Introducing the Exaloop Platform

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Exaloop’s new cloud-based platform, designed to accelerate, scale and simplify your data science & engineering workflows. The platform leverages Exaloop’s core technologies (like Codon) to give you access to C-like performance, parallel processing and GPU acceleration all with the convenience of Python, while at the same time offering a streamlined, cloud-based programming and execution environment that’s usable entirely in your browser.

Write code, manage projects, run jobs – all in one place

Exaloop Platform – Workspace UI and code editor

The Exaloop Platform lets you create workspaces for your projects. You can add code to workspaces, edit files in your browser using an integrated VS Code-based editor, and run your projects on the cloud. Workspaces have everything you need to go from concept to development to deployment – no manual installations or dependency headaches needed.

  • Browser-Based Coding. Say goodbye to local setup hassles. With Exaloop, you can write and test your Python code directly in your browser, enjoying a seamless and responsive coding experience.
  • Project Management. Organize and manage your projects with Exaloop workspaces. Whether you’re working on a solo project or collaborating with a team, the Exaloop Platform makes it simple to keep everything on track.
  • Cloud-Powered Execution. Leverage the cloud’s computational power to run your data science & engineering jobs. Scale your projects effortlessly and take advantage of Exaloop’s performance gains without worrying about hardware limitations.

Exaloop Engine – 10-100x performance improvements, parallel processing, GPU acceleration

Powering our platform is our engine, which optimizes Python code to run as fast as C, and (unlike Python) natively supports multithreading and GPU. Exaloop’s engine builds on top of Codon , our publicly-available accelerated Python implementation.

Exaloop Engine

  • Python syntax, C performance. If you know Python, you can use Exaloop with no learning curve.
  • Harness your hardware. Don’t let your precious processing cores or GPUs go to waste. Put them to work with Exaloop.
  • Fully interoperable. You can use any Python library in Exaloop. Want to plot something with Matplotlib? Or collect data with Beautiful Soup? We support all of that.

Exaloop-NumPy – all the power of Exaloop now works seamlessly with the most widely-used Python library

NumPy is the most widely used Python library – it’s the foundation of Python’s data science stack and the gold standard for numerical computing. That’s why we’re delighted to finally announce our accelerated NumPy implementation, built & optimized from the ground up for Exaloop. The new NumPy is available out-of-the-box on the Exaloop Platform.

  • Fully API-compatible NumPy implementation. All the same functions, classes and modules you’re used to. No need to learn a new API or library.
  • Run on multiple threads. Run on GPU. Python’s infamous “Global Interpreter Lock” has historically prevented NumPy and other libraries from leveraging hardware to its fullest potential. Exaloop doesn’t have any of those restrictions, and our new NumPy works with our multithreading & GPU functionality.
  • No limitations. No more jumping through hoops to avoid pure Python functions or loops in your NumPy code. Loop over arrays, use NumPy APIs, mix-and-match – all of it is optimized to run at native code speed.
  • Let Exaloop do the hard work. We’ve added a range of NumPy-specific compiler optimizations that go above and beyond what’s possible with standard NumPy. Operator fusions, expression rewrites, memory allocation optimizations and more, all happening automatically behind the scenes.

Exaloop AI – let AI fix, improve and optimize your code

AI is revolutionizing the way we write code. At Exaloop, we’re proud to be embracing that paradigm shift by making AI a first-class citizen of our platform. Exaloop AI encompasses a suite of AI tools for writing, modifying and optimizing code automatically.

Exaloop AI in action – automatic code suggestions make your code compatible with Exaloop

We’re rolling out Exaloop AI first with AI Optimizer, a tool that suggests changes to your Python code to make it compatible with Exaloop’s static typing rules. AI Optimizer can be used on an entire Python script, or at a per-function level within larger codebases.

  • Your Python code, Exaloop’s 10-100x performance improvements. Exaloop AI lets you take full advantage of Exaloop without needing to rewrite your code.
  • One click away. Exaloop AI is readily available within each workspace on our platform, in just a single click.
  • Fine-tuned LLMs for an accurate, streamlined workflow. Exaloop AI leverages its own fine-tuned models that have detailed knowledge of Exaloop’s core technologies.

Get Exaloop today for free

Sign up on our website to get a free trial of Exaloop today.

Take a look at our docs to learn more about our platform.

What comes next

This first release of the Exaloop Platform is just the beginning, and we have no shortage of exciting new features in the works:

  • Exaloop-Pandas: All those enhancements and benefits we talked about for NumPy – we’re bringing them to Pandas next.
  • Jupyter support: Launch workspaces as Jupyter notebooks in one click.
  • AI Assistant: While AI Optimizer automatically optimizes and updates your code for Exaloop, AI Assistants will let you write new code and even query your workspace in plain English!

Stay tuned for more!


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